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Top Pick in the Best Shortform Science Writing
I’m honored that my article “Why Covid-19 Patients Are Suffering From Distorted and Phantom Smells” for Smithsonian Magazine was named a Top Pick in the Best Shortform Science Writing: July-December 2020. https://twitter.com/SciShor.../status/1379546779897696259... In...

Selected for Smithsonian Magazine’s Top 25 of 2020
I'm delighted that Smithsonian Magazine selected my article on Smell Distortions after COVID-19 as #4 on their top 25 stories of 2020. They said: One of the strangest early effects scientists discovered about Covid-19 was that the virus could eliminate many patients’...

Essay on Losing My Sense of Smell
I've long admired the writing in Narratively. I'm delighted that they published my essay on anosmia, and featured it in the Memoir Monday Newsletter. Read it here