30-Day Challenge

30-Day Challenge

I’ve always liked the idea of a 30-day challenge. Small daily steps towards change appeals to my practical nature. Twice, I’ve made NanoWrimo work for me, but outside of those group-fueled spurts, I’ve had little success with writing goals based on word count. My...
From the Ashes of 2016, Phoenix Rising

From the Ashes of 2016, Phoenix Rising

And so 2016 comes to a close. So many significant markers on our cultural highway were knocked out that the year seemed malevolent. Many have railed against the losses, explored the impact and contributions of our lost cultural icons, musicians and actors who so...
On BinderCon, the Power of Community and Secret Sauce

On BinderCon, the Power of Community and Secret Sauce

Writing can be a very lonely activity. I often work on my writing late at night, after the family is asleep, after the day job is done, the plants watered, the shaggy dog combed out. No complaints, writing is central to who I am and something I love to do. But I’d be...

Interview in my Hometown Newspaper

So this is fun. The local paper in my hometown interviewed me about DRAWING AMANDA. Read it here: http://www.liherald.com/fivetowns/stories/Opening-a-conversation-about-Internet-dangers,56224 ← DRAWING AMANDA gets a big thumbs up from School Library Journal...

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